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出(chū)out, exit - The Evolution of Chinese Character

  In the previous video, we learned that earliest forms of 賣 consisted of 出, 罒 and 貝.   罒 and 貝 are pictographs that resemble a net and a shell respectively. Then what about 出?Why does 出 mean   “out” or “exit”? In this video, I will share with you the history of 出. Let’s look at a couple of models of "出". In regular script, "出" is a one-piece-form, meaning that it cannot be disassembled into separate parts like 賣 can.   However, in the earliest forms of “出”, it could be divided into two pieces: the upper piece, and the bottom one. Here is the upper piece. This character is a pictograph. It resembles the shape of a foot sole. The pictogram only has three toes, because ancient Chinese used "three" to mean “many”, so they did not draw all five toes here. This character is written as “止" in Regular script form. The character 止 is often used such as in “停止” (to stop), “截止”(deadline), “止痛藥”(painkiller) or “止於至善”(to rest in the highest excellence). In these

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